F4FM has been set up by a group of independent local residents who value where we live, here in Four Marks.

At the moment we are watching the progress of the new local plan which could profoundly affect development in Four Marks and South Medstead.

We also have a facebook group, Fight4FourMarks, so please join us and leave your comments, photos and items of interest!

Join here!

EHDC Consultation


Here you will find the feedback reports to EHDC from F4FM, SMASH (Stand with Medstead Against Speculative Housing) and Four Marks Parish Council.

Along with local residents who took time out to respond to the consultation online, these comprehensive and well-researched documents give Four Marks a strong voice and we urge the planning authority to take our community’s views into account when they formulate the next stage of their plan, due in May.

 This will identify individual sites for consideration as suitable for development, at which point we will have a much better understanding of what the proposals look like and their likely impact on not only our area, but the whole district.

We will endeavour to keep you abreast of all developments and other news on our facebook page and here on the website.

In the meantime, we continue to monitor Michael Gove’s ongoing changes to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.  These changes could have a significant impact on our local plan so keep an eye on our News section for updates and comments.

You can find downloadable copies of these and more in our resources section, if you have anything to add please contact us and we’ll get back to you!

we are a group of residents concerned about over-development in four marks.

We’ve never been anti-development, only anti-inapPropriate development.

We don’t spam! Read our privacy-policy for more info.