we wish everyone a Happy New Year – we already have a very busy start to 2024!


There are several important key dates for commenting on current speculative applications and in addition, EHDC Planning Policy Committee (PPC) will be meeting on 10th January to approve the release of the draft Local Plan. We have provided a link below to the draft document which we encourage everyone to read.

Following the PPC meeting, there will be a series of public consultation events starting from 22 January for six weeks and one of these will be held here in Four Marks. We will keep people updated as we get more information, so keep an eye on the website and our Fight4FourMarks Facebook page.

Here is a list of the current applications that are of concern to us now: – 

5th JANUARY : last date for comments on planning application 52254 – 87 Lymington Bottom.

This application is for Outline planning permission with all matters reserved except for means of access for up to 95 dwellings to include the provision of vehicular access point, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and up to 2,100 m2 of land in a flexible Class E(e) (Commercial, Business and Service) and Class F2(a) (Local Community) use. | Land North East of Belford House, Lymington Bottom, Four Marks, Alton (easthants.gov.uk)

10th JANUARY : EHDC Planning Policy Committee approve release of the draft Local Plan – the document being approved is now available to view so just tap on the link below – it is a hefty document, worth a good read but for ease, page 347 has the proposed site allocations.

easthants.moderngov.co.uk/…/Public reports pack 10th-Jan-2024 18.00 Planning Policy Committee.pdf


F4FM will be giving its overview on the draft plan shortly.

10th JANUARY: is the closing date for comments on Application 25256/050, where developer is asking for 13 more houses on the site, versus the 45 he had got approval for in 2023. Please object to this one on grounds of extra traffic, even higher density housing our of character and more environmental impact.

25256/050 | 58 dwellings, associated landscaping and open space, with access from Holland Drive | Land to the rear of Brackenbury Gardens and, Boyneswood Close, Medstead, Alton (easthants.gov.uk)

22nd JANUARY onwards; Public Consultation on the draft Local Plan begins (6 weeks duration). We will advise of place to send your comments.

LATE JANUARY: Local Plan Public consultation session in Four Marks: Date, place TBA

6th FEBRUARY, 10:00 : Appeal on “Gladman” Application 56082/004, begins, lasts 3-5 days. Location TBA. F4FM intend to speak, as will local Councillors etc.

By 7th MARCH: Inspector decides on the “Gladman” appeal.

Those are the dates so far but lots more is going on and it is important to keep an eye on the following future developments : –

  1. We are awaiting a major application for 100+ houses on the field bordered by Barn Lane and Winchester Road
  2. An application on Crease-Smith land between Blackberry and Alton lanes.

These are in addition to the decisions we are awaiting on 95 dwellings at Longbourn Way, 35 on land adjacent to Bernard Avenue and 10 on the corner plot between Alton and Telegraph Lane.  In all, Four Marks and South Medstead have applications at various stages that amount to upwards of 500 dwellings and counting and it is this pressure on our village infrastructure that is causing so much concern. We really appreciate the support that is being shown by local people and it does make a difference to the way that our community needs are and will be considered in this important planning year.

Finally, please keep up to date by visiting our Fight4FourMarks Facebook page for all the latest news and comments. Thank You!